Italian market of construction equipment grows

Positive the trends of imports and exports.
Uncertainty on the stability of post-pandemic recovery


In the first half of 2021 9,196 construction machines have been placed on the Italian market, up 55% compared to the first semester of 2020. In more details, 8,834 earth moving machines (+56%) and 362 road machines (+44%) were sold. However, confronting the sales volumes between the first and the second quarter of 2021, the expansive phase shows a more contained growth (+43%) and in line with the last month’s trend. This confirms the ongoing expansive dynamics of the Italian market, although scaled down in light of the market collapse experienced in 2020 due to the pandemic. The data, processed by Unacea on the basis of the sales results of both manufacturers and importers, were presented yesterday by the Association, during a press conference sponsored by Ecomondo.

The updating of the Foreign Trade Report Unacea-CER, with the international trade data of the sector updated to January-April 2021, was presented too. Exports, after the sufferings of 2020 (-21%), recover the loss attesting to €884 million, up 29% compared to the same period of 2020. The imports dynamic instead largely follows the domestic market’s trend: stationary in December 2020 (0%), between January and April it has registered an increase of 33%, amounting to €408 million. Trade balance remains in surplus of €475 million (+26%).

“The sales increase is confirmed also in the second quarter – said Mirco Risi, President of Unacea. However, the uncertainty of the extraordinary period we are living in remains: the steel market dynamics, the contraction in the availability of components and the uncertainties on the logistic side are worrisome”.


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